Malay Bay |
Change of Plans !! After listening to the HF radio weather forecast we decided to hazard a night time passage between the Goulburn Islands (saw a Navy Patrol boat anchored) and past Cape Cockburn and on to Malay Bay for an overnight rest before going on through the Bowen Straight on 2 July. Heavy smoke with the burn off on Croker Island. We rounded Danger Point and tucked in the little bay on the Western side for the night. The next day we woke to strong winds so double reefed the main and made our way to Coral Bay on the north western side of Port Essington. There was an Eco Resort there which was not that friendly to yachties, charging $25 just to set foot on the land or get some brackish water. By this time we were running low on food and water so had to pay.
Eco resort Coral Bay |
We had a two day layover here waiting for favourable winds. Took a walk along the beach only to find out that crocodiles live in the Billabong just past the trees we were so happily walking near.
Finally we decided to make the run to Darwin, leaving Coral Bay at 10pm. Moonlit night with no wind so we motored all the way. Around Cape Don at 2am the wind picked up and the seas swelled. For the next six hours we had 30+ knots and wild seas across Van Diemen's Gulf. By daybreak we were exhausted and found an anchorage at Escape Cliff on the western side of Cape Hotham.
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