
Sailing: the fine art of getting wet and becoming ill while slowly going nowhere at great expense.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Rain, Rain and the Vagaries of Mother Nature

On Sunday Bob and I decided to check out the old pump site on Boggy Creek below our house.  I had a quick look at the area about a week ago and thought it might be a great place for a bit of a dip on a hot afternoon.  We were presented with the idyllic sight of a babbling brook glistening through the dappled sunshine, flycatchers darting about and staghorn ferns gracefully hanging off fallen logs.  

Boggy Creek on Sunday

Staghorn fern hanging over the creek
 Although the scene was delightful the cooling dip didn’t eventuate as the water was little more than ankle deep in most places.  Then Monday we had a night of torrential rain, thunder and a spectacular lightening show.  The rain bucketed down in impressive cloud bursts, at times at a rate of 8 inches/hour.   A total of 6 inches fell overnight.  The sound on the roof was deafening and we had to shout to each other to be heard. 

We woke up to a dam nearly overflowing but fortunately the newly graveled driveway withstood the deluge and the gravel stood its ground.  
The very full dam
The driveway still looking good
The idyllic scene of a babbling brook from Sunday turned into a muddy, but cleansing torrent.  Ironically we had commented Sunday that the creek could use a good flushing out as there were lots of fallen branches and leaf litter.

Muddy torrent
The Staghorn fern looking bedraggeled
The bridge had been underwater overnight but fortunately it recedes fairly quickly and we were not flooded in this morning.  But the creek looked quite different from a month ago.
Boggy Creek at the bridge a month ago

Boggy Creek this morning after 6 inches of rain overnight
As I am writing this Tuesday afternoon the sun is shinning but black clouds are forming and thunder rumbling.  Looks like we are in for another show.  Hope the dam holds.

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