
Sailing: the fine art of getting wet and becoming ill while slowly going nowhere at great expense.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Sungai Igan

Under construction    "adventures on the Igan river"
will our heroes ever return to civilization ?

 Back in the early 70's when I was doing my bit to make the Sultan of Brunei the world's richest man, I also spent some time helping the Malay government to balance it's books by searching for oil and gas in its part of the South China Sea. This meant that for some weeks I was stationed at the mouth of the Igan river (Kuala Igan) just across from Kampung Igan, a small fishing village, a fairy tale sort of place with no electricity, running water, roads or modern amenities.  The village even had its own "medicine man"  (dukun) who would dispense traditional remedies.  However by the 70's the locals had come to prefer the Clinic Boat that would come down the river from Sibu doing a weekly round trip stopping at every village and longhouse on the way dispensing modern "western" medicine, especial valued was the anti-natal care it provided to new mums and babies, and it was an event pertaining to this Clinic boat and a young mother and her baby that makes Igan so special to me.

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